Peer-reviewed Publications
Using Ethnographic Methods to Classify the Human Experience in Medicine: A Case Study of the Presence Ontology
Maitra A, Kamdar MR, Zulman DM, Haverfield MC, Brown-Johnson C, Schwartz R, Thadaney S, Verghese A, Musen MA
Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (accepted), May 2021
An Empirical Meta-analysis of the Life Sciences Linked Open Data on the Web
Kamdar MR, Musen MA
Nature Scientific Data, January 2021
Focused Clinical Search through Query Intent Interpretation and a Healthcare Knowledge Graph
Kamdar MR, Carroll M, Dowling W, Wogulis L, Fitzgerald C, Corkum M, Walsh D, Conrad D, Stanley CE, Ross S, Henke D, Samarasinghe M
4th Annual RELX Search Summit, November 2020
What are Links in Linked Open Data? A Characterization of Links between Knowledge Graphs on the Web
Haller A, Fernandez JD, Kamdar MR, Polleres A
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, May 2020
Text Snippets to Corroborate Medical Relations: An Unsupervised Approach using a Knowledge Graph and Embeddings
Kamdar MR, Stanley CE, Carroll M, Wogulis L, Dowling W, Deus HF, Samarasinghe M.
AMIA Informatics Summit, March 2020
A More Decentralized Vision for Linked Data
Polleres A, Kamdar MR, Fernandez JD, Tudorache T, Musen MA
Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, January 2020
Enabling Web-scale Data Integration in Biomedicine through Linked Open Data
Kamdar MR, Fernandez JD, Polleres A, Tudorache T, Musen MA
NPJ Digital Medicine (Perspective), September 2019
Aligning Metadata with Ontology Terms Using Clustering and Embeddings
Goncalves RS, Kamdar MR, Musen MA
16th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Portoroz, June 2019
A Knowledge Graph-based Approach for Exploring the U.S. Opioid Epidemic
Kamdar MR, Hamamsy T, Zhao S, Vala A, Eftimov T, Zou J, Tamang S
AI for Social Good Workshop, 7th International Conference on Learning Representations, May 2019
A More Decentralized Vision for Linked Data
Polleres A, Kamdar MR, Fernandez JD, Tudorache T, Musen MA
Workshop on Decentralizing the Semantic Web at the 17th International Semantic Web Conference, Monterey, October 2018
Mining the Web of Life Sciences Linked Open Data for Mechanism-Based Pharmacovigilance
Kamdar MR
The Web Conference (PhD Symposium Track), Lyon, April 2018
MRI to MGMT: Predicting Methylation Status in Glioblastoma Patients Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
Han L*, Kamdar MR*
23rd Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Big Island of Hawaii, January 2018
Analyzing user interactions with biomedical ontologies: A visual perspective
Kamdar MR, Walk S, Tudorache T, Musen MA
Journal of Web Semantics, March 2018
Mechanism-based Pharmacovigilance over the Life Sciences Linked Open Data Cloud
Kamdar MR, Musen MA
American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Washington, November 2017
BiOnIC: A Catalog of User Interactions with Biomedical Ontologies
Kamdar MR, Walk S, Tudorache T, Musen MA
16th International Semantic Web Conference (Resources Track), Vienna, October 2017
PhLeGrA: Graph Analytics in Pharmacology over the Web of Life Sciences Linked Open Data
Kamdar MR, Musen MA
26th World Wide Web Conference, Perth, April 2017
A Systematic Analysis of Term Reuse and Term Overlap across Biomedical Ontologies
Kamdar MR, Tudorache T, Musen MA
Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, February 2016
PRISM: A Data-driven Platform for Monitoring Mental Health
Kamdar MR*, Wu MJ*
21st Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Big Island of Hawaii, January 2016
An Ebola Virus-centered Knowledge Base
Kamdar MR, Dumontier M
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, April 2015
Investigating Term Reuse and Overlap in Biomedical Ontologies
Kamdar MR, Tudorache T, Musen MA
6th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, Lisbon, July 2015
A Roadmap for navigating the Life Sciences Linked Open Data Cloud
Hasnain A, Zainab SS, Kamdar MR, Mehmood Q, Warren CN, Fatimah QA, Deus HF, Mehdi M, Decker S
4th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, Chiang Mai, November 2014
Big Linked Cancer Data: Integrating Linked TCGA and PubMed
Saleem M, Kamdar MR, Iqbal A, Sampath S, Deus HF, Ngomo AC
Journal of Web Semantics, October 2014
LinkedPPI: Enabling Intuitive, Integrative Protein-Protein Interaction Discovery
Kazemzadeh L, Kamdar MR, Beyan OD, Decker S, Barry F
4th Workshop on Linked Science at the 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva Del Garda, October 2014
Linked Biomedical Dataspace: Lessons Learned integrating Data for Drug Discovery
Hasnain A, Kamdar MR, Hasapis P, Zeginis D, Warren CN, Deus HF, Ntalaperas D, Tarabanis K, Mehdi M, Decker S
13th International Semantic Web Conference (In-use Track), Riva Del Garda, October 2014
GenomeSnip: Fragmenting the Genomic Wheel to augment discovery in cancer research
Kamdar MR, Iqbal A, Saleem M, Deus HF, Decker S
7th Conference on Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences, Boston, February 2014
ReVeaLD: A user-driven domain-specific interactive search platform for biomedical research
Kamdar MR, Zeginis D, Hasnain A, Decker S, Deus HF
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, February 2014
The Reactome pathway knowledgebase
Croft D, Mundo AF, Haw R, Milacic M, Weiser J, Wu G, Caudy M, Garapati P, Gillespie M, Kamdar MR, Jassal B, et al.
Nucleic Acids Research (Database Issue), January 2014
Fostering Serendipity through Big Linked Data
Saleem M, Kamdar MR, Iqbal A, Sampath S, Deus HF, Ngomo AC
Semantic Web Challenge in the 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Sydney, October 2013
Identification of an extracellular antifungal protein from the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum sp. DM06
Dey P, Kamdar MR, Mandal SM, Maiti MK
Protein and Peptide Letters, February 2013