An attraction of representing fictional universes using OWL axioms is also linked to the fact that we can help understand how such inconsistency/incoherence errors can tie into biomedicine.
Consider only the following set of axioms asserted:
- Classes: Kidney, GallBladder, Brain, Stone, Hormone, GallStone, KidneyStone
- Object Properties: produce
- Individuals: Dopamine (instanceOf Hormone) and Dopamine (NOT instanceOf Stone)
- subClassOf axioms:
- KidneyStone (subclassOf Stone),
- GallStone (subclassOf Stone)
- (Brain) subclassOf (produce ONLY Hormone)
Question: Can Brain produce KidneyStones?
Answer: Yes, because Stone and Hormone are not explicitly disjoint, so there exists a kidney stone instance that can also be a hormone, which the brain produces.
Suppose, you modify the “5th” axiom to be:
(Brain) subclassOf (produce VALUE Dopamine)
Question: Can Brain now produce KidneyStones?
Answer: No, since hasValue/Value restrictions limit all brains to produce only dopamine instance.